Indulge in the enchanting allure of our Salmon ensemble from the "Khwab-E-Naubahar" collection. This creation, adorned with 9mm gold sequins and the shimmering embrace of self-thread and zari, is a tribute to luminosity. Picture an embroidered neckline as a beacon of elegance leading to the intricately embroidered Kali for the peshwas. The sleeves embellished with borders, tell a tale of craftsmanship, and the ghera border adds a regal touch. Paired with a sage dupatta becomes an ethereal backdrop for the luminous ensemble, creating a mesmerizing dance of light and fabric.
- Embroidered neckline for front & back on chiffon
- 7 embroidered kali 1 for peshwas on chiffon
- 7 embroidered kali 2 for peshwas on chiffon
- 1 meter embroidered sleeves with border on chiffon
- 3.5 meters embroidered border for ghera on chiffon
- 2.5 meters embroidered dupatta on chiffon with 4 side borders
- 1.5 meters dyed wide-width raw silk for trouser